January 25, 2019
I now have the “green light” to share this absolutely wonderful news! My sister is pregnant! My sister is pregnant! My SISTER IS PREGNANT! I am just so excited for her and her husband, and for them to bring this beautiful, miracle of a gift, BABY TOLLISON into the world! I am also excited to say that I will be traveling to and from so I can take my sister’s maternity photos, laboring photos, fresh 48 photos AND newborn photos! I could just burst with happiness!!!!! And any of those that know me personally, know that at this point I am singing every sentence loud and opera style because I’m just so GIDDY! My sister and her husband chose to have their announcement session at a place that is a little piece of home to them. For those of you that are familiar with the Denton, Texas area, must be familiar with Beth Marie’s ice cream parlor. Oh so sweet of a place to announce their sweet, sweet news.